Saturday 28 April 2018

My favourite five Botanical & Wildflower Books

I often get asked what are my favourite botanical books, or which would I recommend to someone starting their botanical book collection, so I thought I would share a few of my most loved books here.

If you would like to buy any of these books head over to Owl and Wallflowers Etsy store here where you can browse my range of vintage and antique botanical books.

No. 1

These are in no particular order, but an all time favourite of mine is the Handguide to Wildflowers of Britain and Northern Europe. This book features the most beautiful illustrations by the wonderful Marjorie Blamey. Her work is a favourite of mine, and I have quite a few of her books in my own personal collection! It is such a handy size and can easily be popped into a backpack or suitcase when travelling.

No. 2

This book is very very special and such a delight to look through! Published in the early 1900s as part of the Shown to the Children series, it contains many beautiful colour watercolour wildflower illustrations. Also, look out for the Butterflies and the Nests and Eggs in the same series. Both very lovely little books.

No. 3 

This large book by Richard Mabey was first published in the 1960s, and was actually a best seller of its time, something very unusual for a book about wildflowers! All the flowers are grouped within their families and this is definitely a useful reference guide for those interested in botanical illustration or just those interested in nature!

Number 4 is A field Guide in colour to Wildflowers. This is such a big book! It is quite small in size but there are so many pages and each right hand page is filled with colour illustrations! What is special about this book is that the flowers are all organised by colour, which makes it really easy to identify a particular flower you came across on your adventures.

No. 5
And finally number 5, a must have and true classic in any botanical book collection.  Wildflowers, as part of the popular Observer Nature series. This vintage book is a lovely find, and perfect for taking with you wherever you go. Often found without it's original dust jacket, it has a bright green linen cover underneath.

Also I couldn't resist sharing another favourite of mine! Which technically makes this list 6 favourites and not 5! But anyway.... I love the work of Edward Step and I adore the Wayside and Woodland Blossoms series. This book pictured is actually an early version published in 1933 and available in Owl and Wallflowers Etsy Store. 

Thursday 19 April 2018


It's been a busy first few weeks in April. I have been working hard on a Spring update in Owl and Wallflower Etsy store.

There are some lovely early vintage Wildflower books from the 1930s and 1940s, many of which have now sold.

I've also added several new botanical jewellery pieces as part of the Spring collection including this dried flower pendant on a 20" gold plated chain.

Also new, in this handmade Fern orb, crystal clear and filled with high quality UV resistant resin and attached to a 20" silver plated chain.

Pretty Larkspur pendant in a silver octagonal frame. 

Resin Moss Orb bottle with a little cork stopper.

Handbound sketchbooks using strong waxed linen bookbinders thread and upcycled vintage Wildflower books.

Owl and Wallflower was at Pop up in the Palm House last weekend, a lovely Spring Fair in the wonderful Palm House in Sefton Park, Liverpool. I had an amazing weekend in the most wonderful location, surrounded by lots of talented artists and makers!

Also, my most popular creation at the weekend has just been added to Owl and Wallflowers Etsy store, dried flower pendant with a real acorn top.