Sunday 10 January 2016

Nature walk

Walking really helps me to gain inspiration. One of my New Years Resolutions is to walk more often.

I want to explore and I want to travel to new places.

I live in an area quite close to the coast and I want to not take that for granted. I'm trying to walk more mindfully too, noticing the little details. I came across this bush of sea buckthorn on New years eve and was struck by the brightly orange berries scattered around the wintery landscape.

I'm thinking of starting a nature journal too. A little notebook where I keep my written observations of the landscape, little watercolour paintings, Polaroid photographs, pressed flowers, rough sketches and specimens and samples I find along the way. I think it would encourage me to not only walk more often but to pay closer attention to nature and the changing of the seasons. I would just use a small sketchbook so that it was transportable and easy for me to carry around. It would be lovely in a years time to look back on all the different walks I'd taken.

I'm all ready planning our summer camping trips and mountain adventures and I would  love to have a little record of them in the sketchbook too.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

New Year 2016

Happy New Year !

I've been spending a lot of time walking recently, and dreaming.

This year I want to build my business. I'm going to be posting updates here and I also will be regularly updating my Instagram page!

I will be opening my online Etsy shop soon but for now I'm focusing on building stock. Exciting times ahead..

I'll leave you with a stormy sea photograph taken on one of my walks.